Deep Med’s owner, Fabrice, is enthusiastic about the sea both off and on land. Born in Malta & exposed to the sea from day one, his earliest and happiest memories are his playful adventures in the water. Throughout his teenage years he took up sailing and started a career in the Maritime industry as a navigation Officer.
As time progressed, a deeper connection with the sea developed through the art of breath-hold. A connection he wishes to pass onto you through his methods of teaching.
Fabrice enjoys depth diving as well as the recreational side; exploring coastlines, freediving wrecks, cave diving and swim-throughs! Fabrice will do his best to immerse you into his world through Deep Med’s experience.
During the winter months, he recharges by getting back into fitness, cold water swimming, deep-dive training whilst also broadening his equalization knowledge and teaching skill-set.
Weapons of choice – The EQ bubbler, Repetition & a dose of thrilling underwater adventure.
Deepest depth – 60 metres
Deepest diver Fabrice has coached – 76 metres.